Chop Chop, Luisa and Slyvia
To read more about Chop Chop, Slyvia and Luisa's progress and
to see recent pictures of them. Please click on the links below.
Update on 16th October 2005
Care Cases
2nd October 2005
Little Flower - Sylvia
Was found in Mongkok by a little old lady. Appears to have been suffered
3 fractures on her front leg and hnear the elbow is basically shattered.
Her hind leg is pretty much the same but not as many fractures. Also appears
to be damage to the spine but the vet has told us she has feeling in her
hind leg, so hopefully will heal on it's own since the nerves aren't damaged.
She went in for surgery yesterday 1st Oct and will need another one to
take out a pin, however she's looking extremely bright and we hope that
she will make a good recovery.
Chop Chop (worst injuries we've ever seen to date)
Chop was found on Saturday, again in Mongkok. She appears to have also
been abused. She has multiple fractures to her right fore leg and left
foreleg (where she has an infection from a bone that has broken through
her skin). Her right front leg also has a fracture on the upper and lower
limb. Basically fractures on all four legs.
Her fractured legs have been wrapped with a supportive bandage and we've
been told that as she's still a kitten, there is chance that the bones
will heal on their own. So we've got to wait and see. We will have to
wait to see what happens, the vet has scheduled a surgey tomorrow to fix
the left foreleg (which had the worst injury).

was also found in Mong Kok, by the same lady I believe. Luis was kindly
brough to the clinic by this little old lady (there are real angels out
there for these lucky kittens). He was in agony and was given some painkillers.
The vet didn't want to do too much when he was first brought in as he
did appear to be in lots of pain. After the painkillers Luis appeared
to be much better and ate lots of wet canned tuna and drank some water
(always a good sign). The next day the vet x-rayed little Luis and it
was found that he has a calcium defiency (common in kittens that are fed
a meat only diet; or rice). Basically his bones are so weak. The vet has
told us to perserve with him for a while, even though poor old Luis can't
move his lower body at all at the moment. His pelvis bones are also quite
narrow and could cause constipation later on. He doesn't appear to have
any fractures though which is very good. Apparently the lack of calcium
can cause bones to fracture (i.e. if they jumped off a chair or perhaps
from a height). So this is food for thought.
All of these cases are very disturbing, both were found in a similar location
in Mong Kok, through the kindess of Rosa Cheng and David who initially
told us about these cases - it's fantastic that we've been able to help
these kittens. Or at least give them a chance. It's even more heart-warming
that this little old Lady (we'll have to find out her name), brought the
kittens over from Mongkok to save them, despite the fact that she has
no money herself, she at least did what she can - we are now doing what
we can. We were advised that it would be best to euthanise Chop Chop due
to her injuries, but I always ask that if there is one glimmer of hope
(which we were told there is always a glimmer of hope by the vet), then
we will do out best for these kittens if are in the position to be able
We can all do our part, however small it is, there is a chain-reaction
effect and however small your part is, it will help benefit one of these
creatures. Think of the little old lady bringing these kittens to us,
and what she probably had to do to get them to us in the first place.
Please join us in helping more cats like this. We can only do this with
everyone's support. Whether it be financial or even just as simple as
forwarding on an email.
I would love our motto to be that we never say no, but unfortunately it's
not always the case, and sometimes we do have to make decisions that we
prefer never to have to make.
I hope that someone can get some hard evidence to prove who is doing this
abusing over in Mong Kok soon so no more tragedies occur like these ones.
These kittens were very unlucky, but they have their guardian angels in
all of you who cared enough to do something for them. Helena, Rosa, David
and the little old Lady
thank you for doing what you could for these kittens and for letting us
know about them.
From here on, it's in the hands of you know who and the best medical care
they can get!
If you would like to help us foster one of these kittens please contact
us. We need people who work from home, or have someone who is an experienced
handler. These kittens have quite a long recovery period. However if you
think you can help out in any way, please contact
or telephone 93100744.
You can sign David's Animal Abuse Petition
by logging on to our cat chat forum and to read fellow animal lovers comments:;action=display;num=1127588431
visit the website:(
Thanks you for your love and concern.
on 11/10/05