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Rashidah Mootee is a Counsellor/Therapist who holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from The University of New England, Australia, and a Counselling Certificate from James Cook University, Australia.

Rashidah is experienced in helping clients with a wide spectrum of emotional and behavioural problems, including bereavement counselling. She also provides stress management seminars/workshops for many corporate firms.

Rashidah is an animal lover and she owns several cats. She also takes care of a group of alley cats. She has conducted several “Pet Bereavement Workshops” for SPCA members and is providing grief counselling for SPCA members under the “SPCA Pet Loss Counselling Programme”.

The loss of or the anticipation of the loss of a pet can be traumatic for all members of the family and, especially for children, in particular those who do not yet fully understand the concept of death. Children’s manifestation of grief may take the form of aggression, resentment, or social withdrawal. Grief is a natural reaction to loss – it is painful and stressful but also normal and necessary. Unfortunately, society still does not widely accept the grieving of a pet. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult for pet owners, adults and children alike, to find emotional support for the loss of their animal friend/companion.

Most people have within themselves inner resources to cope with life’s crises but once these resources have been exhausted or a crisis becomes too overwhelming, seeking the help of an experienced professional is the most sensible step to take. The grieving process may sometimes trigger other unresolved emotions, which, unless properly dealt with, can have an adverse effect on one’s overall health.

Rashidah is a fluent English and Cantonese speaker. For details of her consultation or an appointment, please call 2973-0272.


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